(version DMST 2.0)(July 2024)

A.– Introduction

1. Background 

Duress Pty Ltd ACN 613 710 026 (we, us, our) supplies Safety Products. You want to acquire Safety Products to help protect you and/or individuals associated with you (End Users). These terms and conditions (terms) apply to the supply of Safety Products by us to you and your (and your End User’s) use of the Safety Products.

2. Safety Products 

Safety Products include: 

(a) Safety Devices – such as hardware supplied by us that, with Safety Software installed, can report an End User’s location to a monitoring service and support alerts and communication in an emergency (and accessories).

(b) Safety Software – licensed software that is installed on an End User’s device or a Safety Device.

(c) Safety Services – such as a Monitoring Service, where we monitor Safety Devices or Safety Software used by End Users, and action automatic and user generated alerts and communications.

We may add or remove Safety Products from time to time.

3. Resale 

Unless we agree otherwise, you must not resell or resupply the Safety Products.

B.– Your contract

4. Your contract

Your contract with us consists of:

(a) Special Terms – see clause 5;

(b) Orders – see clause 6;

(c) Product Schedules – see clause 7;

(d) Support Schedule – see clause 8;

(e) Limited Warranty – see clause 9;

(f) Price List – see clause 10;

(g) the End User Terms; and

(h) the rest of these Terms.

5. Special Terms 

You and we may agree particular terms (Special Terms) that apply to your contract. A term is a Special Term if it is included in an Order or recorded in a separate document signed by you and us, that expressly nominates it as a Special Term.

6. Orders 

You may submit an order for Safety Products (Order) via an order form, online portal or other means that we approve from time to time. Call us or see our Web Site for the current ordering process. Your Order is accepted when we confirm acceptance in writing. We reserve the right not to accept an Order.

7. Product Schedules 

We may publish a schedule (Product Schedule) of additional terms and conditions that apply to a particular Safety Product or class of Safety Products from time to time on our Web Site, and which are incorporated by reference into your contract in respect of the relevant Safety Product.

8. Support Schedule 

We may publish a schedule (Support Schedule) describing the support service we provide for Safety Software from time to time on our Web Site, and which are incorporated by reference into your contract in respect of the relevant Safety Product.

9. Limited Warranty  

Safety Devices come with a standard limited warranty, the terms of which are available on our Web Site.

10. Price List 

We may publish a list (Price List) of standard Charges from time to time. The Price List applies if we supply a Safety Product and your contract does not provide for a different Charge.

11. Inconsistency 

If there is any inconsistency between parts of your contract:

(a) Part I (Liability) overrides everything else (except Special Terms that expressly vary Part I (Liability));

(b) otherwise, an item that is higher in the list in clause 4 overrides an item that is lower –

but nothing overrides any provision relating to ‘ACL Consumers’ or ‘ACL Products’.

C.– Term of your contract

12. Minimum Term 

The Minimum Term for a subscription for Safety Services or Safety Software is:

(a) the period stated in your Order; or

(b) if no period is stated – 12 months.

13. Extension of Term 

(a) We will notify you prior to the end of your Minimum Term.

(b) To ensure that your subscription remains active, we support auto-extension (Auto-extension) of your contract Term, and so unless you tell us otherwise, the Term automatically extends on a month by month basis (Extension Period). You can cease the Extension Period by notice to us.

(c) Unless otherwise agreed with you, the Charges applicable to an Extension Period will be our then-current Charges as set out on our Price List at the commencement of the Extension Period.

14. The Term of your contract  

Your contract:

(a) starts when we accept your Order (Start Date);

(b) continues for the Minimum Term and any Extension Period/s; and

(c) then ends (End Date).

Between the Start Date and the End Date is the Term.

D.– Supply of Safety Products


15. Safety Products 

Safety Products will perform in accordance with their Product Descriptions in all material respects, subject to being used in accordance with these Terms.

16. Use outside Australia & NZ 

Unless we make separate arrangements with you, we do not support the Safety Products outside Australia and New Zealand, and any use of the Safety Products outside Australia and New Zealand will be at your sole risk.

17. Not a substitute for emergency services  

(a) The Safety Products are not intended or suitable for use in situations or environments where the failure or time delays of, or errors or inaccuracies in, the content, data or information provided by the Safety Products could lead to death or personal injury.

(b) You must use local emergency services numbers as your primary source of emergency assistance. You are responsible for knowing the local emergency services numbers.

(c) Without limiting the above, you must not rely on a Safety Product if:

(i) there is a likelihood of an emergency;

(ii) an emergency is expected or anticipated; or

(iii) there are usual circumstances at a particular time or place that significantly increase the likelihood of an emergency.

18. Acknowledgement of Safety Product limitations 

(a) Duress does not represent that the Safety Products will be uninterrupted or error-free. You acknowledge and agree that devices that are not connected to a network will have limited or no functionality.

(b) Duress does not accept responsibility or liability for the useability of the Safety Products with any of your devices or applications.

(c) Due to the nature of mobile network technologies Safety Products may experience drop-outs or be unavailable from time to time for reasons beyond the control of Duress.

(d) Certain functions or features of the Safety Products may be temporarily unavailable for scheduled maintenance or for unscheduled emergency maintenance, either by Duress or its suppliers, or because of other causes beyond Duress’ reasonable control.

(e) Certain functions or features of the Safety Products provide assistance in safety-related situations and when activated by you. Duress does not guarantee the availability, accuracy, completeness, reliability, or timeliness of such features. These features:

(i) are not intended to be solely relied upon in situations where more immediate or effective help is available or may be obtained;

(ii) are not designed for use in any medical, emergency or similar applications or circumstances that require fail-safe technology; and

(iii) require a paid up subscription to monitoring or safety services from Duress or another party to operate as designed.

(f) You agree to use these features at your sole risk and exercise independent judgment, and that Duress, its affiliates, agents, or principals shall have no liability to you for your use of these features and any resulting consequences to the maximum extent permitted by law.

(g) You acknowledge and agree that the purpose you will put the Safety Products, including the making of any visual and/or audio recording in emergency circumstances are reasonably necessary for the protection of your lawful interests.

19. Registering your Monitoring Service  

When we provide a Monitoring Service:

(a) we register a licence in our system for your service; and

(b) then you or we can nominate an End User.

20. Renting Safety Devices  

(a) Any Safety Devices rented to you (Rental Devices) remain our property at all times. Rental Devices may be new or used and refurbished.

(b) Your contract will specify the rental term (Rental Term), rental Charges and other conditions that apply. The Rental Term may not match the Term of your Monitoring Service.

(c) We may Charge you if you lose or damage (other than fair wear and tear) a Rental Device. If you pay such Charges, we will replace or repair a lost or damaged Rental Device.

(d) A replacement Rental Device may not include accessories that were bundled with the Rental Device it replaces.

(e) At the end of the Rental Term, you must return the Rental Devices in good condition (fair wear and tear excepted). We may issue you a Charge for failure to do so.

(f) You must not allow any person other than an End User to use or take possession of a Rental Device.

(g) Part M applies to your contract. You must not create, or allow any person to create, a Security Interest in a Rental Device.

21. DuressCare cover for Safety Devices 

(a) We offer optional coverage relating to accidental damage to, or loss of, Safety Devices (DuressCare). We are not obliged to offer DuressCare and you are not obliged to accept it.

(b) If you pay the DuressCare Charges we will replace or repair a Safety Device that is accidentally damaged or lost while DuressCare is current. An excess Charge may apply. There may be a limit on the number of repairs/replacements available.

(c) A replacement Rental Device may not include accessories that were bundled with the Rental Device it replaces.

22. Trial Services 

If we supply you with a trial service for a Safety Product:

(a) The term of the trial is 14 days, unless we agree to a different period.

(b) Charges for the trial will apply as per the Price List.

(c) You may cancel the trial during the term of the trial by giving us written notice and returning any Safety Devices supplied to you for the trial.

(d) If you do not cancel the trial then, unless otherwise agreed, from the end of the trial period, Charges will apply as per the Price List with a Minimum Term of 12 months.

23. Moves Adds and Changes (MAC) Order 

(a) If you wish to move, add to or change the Safety Products we supply to you, you may give us an Order (MAC Order).

(b) If your MAC Order is for Safety Products at different pricing from your last Order we will notify you of any new or amended Charges.

(c) If accepted by us, we will implement a MAC Order as soon as practicable and your Contract will be taken to be varied in accordance with the MAC Order.

24. Communications 

(a) We will use reasonable endeavours to promptly notify you and your End Users of any interruption or disruption to the Safety Services or Safety Software.

E.– Charges, Invoicing and Payment

25. Charges 

Our Charges may include:

(a) Additional Charge – where we supply Safety Products or additional features of Safety Products out of the scope of your contract.

(b) Early Termination Charge – where we allow you to terminate your contract before the end of the Minimum Term.

(c) Gateway Charge – where we authorise a third party to provide monitoring services to you.

(d) Software Subscription – for ongoing use, maintenance and updating of the Safety Software and (where specified in your Contract) provision of Safety Services.

(e) One-time Charge – a one-time payment such as the purchase price of a Safety Device.

(f) Rental Charge – for ongoing rental of a Rental Device.

(g) Set Up Charge – for commissioning a Safety Device.

(h) Up Front Charge – an amount payable on or immediately after we accept an Order or a MAC Order.

(i) Reporting Charge - for non-standard reporting on your Safety Products.

(j) Other – including amounts we are entitled to charge you, or be reimbursed, under these Terms.

26. Invoicing and late billing 

(a) Unless we and you agree otherwise, you must pay an invoice within 7 days after we send it (Due Date).

(b) We will endeavour to include all Charges in each invoice for the relevant Billing Period.

(c) If you do not pay any amount invoiced by its Due Date, we may charge interest at the Default Rate, calculated on the daily balance of the overdue amount from the Due Date until the date of payment in full.

(d) Where we agree to provide Safety Products on delayed payment terms, our Credit Terms apply.

27. Method of payment  

(a) You must pay each invoice in AUD (or, if you are located outside Australia, in another currency we specify) by Direct Debit (or, if we approve it in writing, by funds transfer to the bank account notified from time to time).

(b) If you pay by Direct Debit:

(i) We may suspend supply of Security Products if the Direct Debit arrangements are not maintained.

(ii) You must not reverse any Direct Debit payment, unless you have our prior written approval. Otherwise, you must pay our reasonable costs (including legal fees if necessary) of reinstating the transaction.

(c) Where you pay by standing Direct Debit, we may extract payment 7 days after we send the invoice.

F.– Trade Marks and other IP

28. Trade Marks

(a) We own or license any registered or unregistered trade mark used in or in connection with a Safety Product.

(b) You must not reproduce, publish or otherwise use any such trade mark without our express consent.

(c) For the length of the contract, we may use your brand mark in our collateral, such as websites and brochures.

29. IP Rights in Safety Products

(a) We own or license all IP Rights in the Safety Products and in any IP we create in connection with or for the purposes of your contract (even if requested or suggested by you).

(b) We license you (and your End Users) to use our IP Rights to the extent necessary for you to use the Safety Products as contemplated by your contract, including under the End User Terms. You have no other interest in or to our IP Rights.

(c) You must not copy, reverse-engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, modify, create derivative works of, transfer, redistribute or sublicense the Safety Software or other Safety Products.

30. IP Rights in audio and video content

Where a Safety Product generates audio or video content you own the IP in that content but license us to:

(a) retain a copy of it, and view it, for as long as we consider reasonably necessary; and

(b) supply it to law enforcement agencies on lawful request.

31. Confidential information

You must not use our Confidential Information except for the sole purpose of using Safety Products in accordance with your contract. You must not disclose our Confidential Information to any person (other than End Users and your employees, officers and advisors on a need to know basis) except as required by law.

G.– Australian Consumer Law

32. ACL Consumers and Unfair Contract Terms

(a) The ACL protects persons who enter Consumer Contracts (as defined in the ACL) or Small Business Contracts (as defined in the ACL) (ACL Consumers) from unfair contract terms.

(b) If you are an ACL Consumer, and a term of your contract would (except for this clause) be ‘unfair’ within the meaning of section 24 of the ACL, we will not apply that term without taking steps to mitigate any unfairness.

(c) A term in your contract headed ‘ACL Consumers’ applies if you are an ACL Consumer, but not otherwise.

33. ACL Products and Consumer Guarantees

(a) The ACL also specifies that the acquisition of goods or services of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption or that cost no more than $40,000 (or such higher limit as may be specified from time to time) (ACL Products) are subject to important rights including Consumer Guarantees and remedies. Nothing in your contract limits these rights and remedies in any way.

(b) If we supply you with goods that are ACL Products then our liability for failure to comply with a Consumer Guarantee (other than certain guarantees about ownership and undisturbed use) is limited to:

(i) repairing, replacing or supplying equivalent goods; or

(ii) paying the costs of repairing, replacing or acquiring equivalent goods.

(c) If we supply you with services that are ACL Products then our liability for failure to comply with a Consumer Guarantee is limited to:

(i) supplying the services again; or

(ii) paying the cost of having the services supplied again.

H.– Our liability to you

34. Your rights under the ACL are paramount

Noting in this Section H overrides your rights under Section G or under the ACL.

35. Service Level Agreements

(a) If a Safety Product includes a Service Level Agreement (SLA), our liability is limited to any remedy or rebate specified by the SLA.

(b) In relation to an interruption or delay relating to a Safety Product, where you are not entitled to a SLA re- bate or credit, we limit our liability to an amount equal to the charges billed for the affected Safety Service for the period of interruption or delay.

36. Capped liability for Direct Loss

Unless clause 35 applies, we accept liability for Direct Loss, to the extent it is caused by our negligence or breach of your contract, on ordinary principles of law including about proportionate liability, provided that, subject to clauses 32 to 35, our aggregate liability in respect of any Liability Event cannot exceed the aggregate of all Charges you pay for Safety Products in the month in which the Liability Event occurred.

37. Liability otherwise excluded

Subject to clauses 32 to 36, our aggregate liability to you in respect of all Claims and Losses arising under or in connection with your contract or any Safety Products is nil.

I.– Your Liability to Us

38. Your use of a Safety Product

You must reimburse us for any Loss we suffer in connection with your (or an End User’s) use, or alleged use, of a Safety Product in a way that breaches any Law or infringes the rights of any third party, except to the extent that we contributed to the Loss by our negligence, breach of any Law or breach of your contract.

39. Expenses relating to legal requests for information

You must reimburse us for any expenses we reasonably incur in connection with a request for information from a law enforcement agency, court, Authority or legal practitioner in relation to you (or an End User) or your (or an End User’s) use of a Safety Product.

40. Costs relating to breach of End User Terms

You must reimburse us for any costs we reasonably incur in connection with a breach of the End user terms by you (or an End User), including but not limited to:

(a) excess charges for data;

(b) penalties or increased charges from our suppliers

(c) our internal costs of identification, remediation and enforcement of a breach of the End User Terms.

J.– Privacy

41. Data collection

In connection with providing Safety Products, we may collect Personal Information about End Users and other data including:

(a) personnel contact details;

(b) GPS and location information; and

(c) video and audio recordings.

We may also collect statistical and aggregated data about the use and operation of the Safety Products, including debugging information and device usage information (“Aggregated Data”). Such Aggregated Data will not identify you or any individual.

42. Use of collected data

(a) We may use and disclose the Personal Information and other data that we collect for the purpose of supplying Safety Products (including diagnostics). We may use and disclose Aggregated Data for any purpose.

(b) We may also disclose such Personal Information and other data relating to you (or an End User), or your (or an End User’s) use of a Safety Product, if requested by a law enforcement agency, court, Authority or legal practitioner, or otherwise required by applicable law.

(c) You must ensure that End Users are aware, and accept, that we may use and disclose their Personal Information in the manner set out in this clause 42 and this contract.

(d) Without limiting your obligations under this clause, as part of the registration process of the Safety Products, we may give certain privacy statements and obtain certain privacy consents from End Users. We may refuse to provide the Safety Products to an End User who refuses to give required privacy consent.

43. Compliance with Privacy Law

(a) We will comply with applicable Privacy Laws in relation to our provision of Safety Products.

(b) You must comply with applicable Privacy Laws in the use of the Safety Products.

44. Compliance with Surveillance Legislation

(a) You must comply with the applicable Surveillance Legislation in the use of the Safety Products, includingwhere relevant ensuring that your End Users consent to the functionality of the Safety Products.

(b) Without limiting clause (a), you must not, and ensure that your End users do not use the Safety Products to:

(i) make a visual and/or audio recording of a private activity or private conversation;

(ii) track the geographical location of a person without their express or implied consent.

(c) You acknowledge and agree that the use of the Safety Products, including the making of any visual and/or audio recording in emergency circumstances are reasonably necessary for the protection of the lawful interests of you and/or your End Users.

K.– End Users

45. End Users

End Users are persons to whom you allocate Safety Devices and/or Safety Software. If you obtain a Safety Device and/or Safety Software for your personal use, you are the End User.

46. Management of End Users

(a) You are solely responsible for managing your End Users, allocating Safety Products to them, training them to use Safety Products and communicating to us any issues they may encounter when using Safety Products.

(b) We may publish product information and/or training materials relating to Safety Products. You must ensure that your End Users are familiar with this information and materials.

(c) You must comply with, and ensure that your End Users comply with, the End User Terms.

(d) We may communicate directly with End Users including in relation to service, support and administrative messages, reminders, technical notes, updates, security alerts and information related to the use of the Safety Products.

(e) You must reimburse us if we suffer any Loss in connection with a breach of this clause.


L.– Termination, suspension, etc


47. Termination & suspension by us

We may terminate your contract, or suspend or restrict supply of a Safety Product if:

(a) you fail to pay us any money that is due;

(b) you are in material breach of your contract and that breach cannot be remedied or is not remedied within 14 days;

(c) you are subject to an Insolvency Event (except for as long as an Insolvency Protection Stay applies – see clause 66);

(d) you are a natural person (ie not a company) and you die;

(e) if we are reasonably required to do so due to an emergency, technical issues, regulatory or legal requirements or suspected or attempted fraud or illegal or prohibited use of a Safety Product; or

(f) in any other circumstances stated in your contract.

48. Termination by you

You may terminate your contract:

(a) if we are in material breach of your contract and that breach cannot be remedied or is not remedied within 14 days;

(b) if we are subject to an Insolvency Event (except for as long as an Insolvency Protection Stay applies – see clause 53);

(c) in accordance with clause 50 (Early Termination); or

(d) in any other circumstances stated in your contract.

49. Effect of termination and suspension

You acknowledge and agree that where we exercise our rights to termination or suspension, you and your End Users (as applicable) will no longer be able to access the Safety Services and Safety Software. We will endeavor to provide you and your End Users with reasonable notice of any such termination of access.

50. Early Termination

(a) You may request to cancel a Service or terminate your contract at any time in writing.

(b) Any termination under this clause will be effective on the first day of the month following your cancellation request.

(c) You acknowledge that our Charges are priced on the basis that you will complete your Minimum Term. Therefore if your Contract or a Service is terminated for reasons other than our material breach prior to the end of the relevant Minimum Term, we may charge an amount (Early Termination Charge) equal to: 

(i) 75% of Software Subscription Charges for the Minimum Term less Software Subscription Charges already paid during Term; plus

(ii) 80% of Rental Device Charges for the Minimum Term less Rental Devices Charges already paid during Term; plus

(iii) 90% of DuressCare Charges for the Minimum Term less DuressCare Charges already paid during Term - provided that the amount will never be less than zero.

(d) You agree that the Early Termination Charge is a genuine pre-estimate of the loss we will suffer as a result of you terminating your Service or the Contract early.

51. Suspension Charges

If we suspend supply of a Safety- Product:

(a) due to your conduct – you remain liable for all Charges during the period of suspension; and

(b) otherwise – you are entitled to a pro rata reduction in Charges during the period of suspension.

52. Post-termination

If your contract ends:

(a) We may invoice you for, and you must pay, any Charges not yet invoiced and all other amounts we are entitled to under your contract.

(b) Any cause of action that either of us had against the other pre-dating the termination is not affected.

(c) The limitations of liability and rights of indemnity under your contract continue.

Otherwise, your contract is at an end for all purposes.

53. Insolvency Protection Stays

(a) If you are a corporation and your contract started on or after 1 July 2018 our enforcement of certain rights may be stayed by sections 415D, 434J or 451E of the Corporations Act (Insolvency Protection Stay). If and for as long as an Insolvency Protection Stay operates, we do not assert an entitlement to enforce any right that is subject to it.

(b) This clause 53 does not prevent us from disputing that an Insolvency Protection Stay applies, or applying for an Insolvency Protection Stay to be lifted in whole or part, or otherwise exercising our legal rights.

M. Personal Property Securities Act —————-

54. Grant of Security Interest

(a) You grant us a Security Interest in all your present andafter-acquired property to secure the payment of allamounts owed to us (including Charges) and the compliance by you of your obligations under your contract.We may register that Security Interest on the Register and you agree to do all things necessary to facilitate that registration.

(b) We have a Security Interest in Rental Device for the purposes of the PPSA. The Security Interest is a PMSI to the extent that it can be under section 14 of the PPSA.

(c) We may register our Security Interests. You must do anything which we require for the purposes of ensuring that our Security Interests are enforceable, perfected and otherwise effective under the PPSA. Our rights under PPSA are in addition to our rights under your contract.

(d) We may recover from you the cost of doing anything reasonably necessary to register, preserve or enforce our rights under the PPSA.

55. PPSA exclusions and waivers

(a) The following provisions of the PPSA do not apply and, for the purposes of section 115 of the PPSA, are ‘contracted out’ of your contract for goods that are not used predominantly for personal, domestic or household purposes – sections 95, 96, 125, 130, 132(3)(d),132(4), 135, 142 and 143.

(b) The following provisions of the PPSA confer rights on us – sections 123, 126, 128, 129 and 134(1). These rights are in addition to our rights under your contract.

(c) You waive your rights to receive a verification statement in relation to registration events in respect of commercial property under section 157 of the PPSA.

(d) We and you agree not to disclose information of the kind that can be requested under section 275(1) of the PPSA. You must do everything necessary to ensure that section 275(6)(a) of the PPSA continues to apply. This clause is for the purpose of allowing us the benefit of section 275(6)(a). We shall not be liable to pay damages or any other compensation or be subject to injunction if we breach this clause. 

N.– General

56. Amendments

We may amend these DMST from time to time to make changes that are reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate business interests. 

57. Cooperation

If there are operational or performance issues with a SafetyService, you must reasonably assist our processes and efforts to troubleshoot and rectify them.

58. GST

(a) In this clause, an expression within a pair of asterisks means the same as in the GST Act.

(b) Charges are taken to be GST inclusive unless they are expressed to be ‘GST exclusive’, ‘+ GST’ or similar.

(c) Where any amount is GST inclusive, it is the gross amount, inclusive of any GST payable in respect of any *taxable supply* for which that amount is paid. Otherwise:

(i) The *consideration* payable by you represents the *value* of any *taxable supply* for which payment is to be made.

(ii) If we make a *taxable supply* for a *consideration*, which represents its *value*, then you must pay immediately the amount of any GST payable in respect of the *taxable supply*.

(d) If these terms require you to pay, reimburse or contribute to an amount paid or payable by us in respect of an *acquisition* of a *taxable supply* from a third party, the amount you must pay, reimburse or contribute will be the value of the *acquisition* by us less any *input tax credit* to which we are entitled plus, if our recovery from you is a *taxable supply*, any GST payable under this clause.

(e) We may recover any GST payable under this clause in the same manner as our Charges.

59. Notices – from us to you

(a) Subject to clause 59(b), we may give notice to you in connection with, or as required by, your contract in person, by fax, by email, by post, by Instant Messaging or in any other way allowed by law or by giving you notice of the address of a web page where the notice can be read.

(b) If any Law requires a notice to be in writing, we will give it in writing. Otherwise, we may give a notice in writing, electronically, by voice call (including robocall call or recorded message) or by leaving a voicemail.

(c) We may direct a notice to your registered office, the most recent number or address that you have notified to us or any other number or address that we reasonably believe to be current.

(d) A notice is taken to have been received:

(i) if we give it to you in person or by a voice call you are a party to – at the time of delivery;

(ii) if we post it – at noon on the second Business Day after posting;

(iii) if we give it to you by voicemail, email, Instant Message or fax during business hours in your locality – two hours later;

(iv) if we give it to you by voicemail, email, Instant Message or fax outside business hours in your locality – at 9am on the next Business Day in your locality;

(v) if we send you notice of the address of a web page – two hours after that notice is taken to have been received; or

(vi) if there is evidence that you received it at an earlier time – that earlier time.

60. Notices – from you to us

(a) Our Web Site includes Contact Details, including instructions about how to give a notice to us. This may be by email (to a specified address for notices) or any other way we specify. We may change these instructions from time to time. You should check the appropriate way to give us a notice each time you wish to send us one.

(b) A notice is taken to have been received at noon on the next Business Day in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, subject to a ‘delivery failure’ message not being given.

61. Entire agreement

Your contract is the entire agreement between you and us regarding its subject matter. You agree that your contract does not include any term, condition, warranty, representation or guarantee that is not expressly set out in it, other than a Consumer Guarantee to the extent it may not lawfully be excluded.

62. Assignment, etc

We may assign, transfer or novate your contract to a purchaser of our business, without your further consent. You may not assign, transfer or novate any of your rights or obligations under your contract unless we agree in writing.

63. No waiver

A failure, delay, relaxation or indulgence by us in exercising any power or right conferred under your contract (such as a right that we have due to your breach of your contract) does not operate as a waiver of the power or right.

64. Delays

Time is not of the essence in the performance of our obligations under your contract. We are not liable to you for any delay in the provision of any Safety Product.

ACL Consumers: If your contract does not fix a time within which a Safety Product will be provided and the time is not to be determined in a way agreed between us, we shall supply it within a reasonable time and you may have rights and remedies under the ACL if we fail to do so.

65. Governing law

Your Contract is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia. You and we submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts


O.– Dictionary & Interpretation

66. Dictionary

In your contract, unless the context indicates otherwise:

ACL means the Australian Consumer Law.

Authority means any governmental, semi-governmental, administrative, fiscal, statutory, judicial or quasi-judicial body, department, commission, authority, tribunal, agency or entity and includes private authorities that have authority in relation to a party (eg .au Domain Administration Ltd).

Billing Period means the period so specified in an Order or, if no period is specified, a calendar month (including, where required, part thereof on a pro-rata basis).

Business Day means a day that is not a statutory public holiday in Melbourne, Victoria or a Saturday or Sunday.

Charge means an amount we may charge under your contract.

Claim means any claim, demand, action, proceeding or legal process (including by way of set off, cross-claim, counterclaim or a claim for contribution to or indemnity).

Confidential Information of a party means all information in any form relating or belonging to the party of a confidential nature, but excludes information which (a) becomes known or generally available to the public (except as a results of a breach of confidentiality) or (b) is independently develops or already known to the disclosee.

Consequential Loss means (a) economic loss; (b) business interruption; (c) loss of revenue, profits, actual or potential business opportunities or contracts; (d) anticipated savings; (e) loss of profits; (f) loss of data; (g) punitive, aggravated or other forms of non-compensatory damages and (h) consequential loss within the meaning of Environmental Systems Pty Ltd v Peerless Holdings Pty Ltd [2008] VSCA 26.

Consumer Guarantee means the consumer guarantees provided for by sections 51 to 63 of the ACL.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001.

Credit Terms are the terms on which we provide Safety Products on credit available on our Web Site.

Default Rate means the sum of (a) two percentage points and (b) Commonwealth Bank's 90 day bank bill rate or, if there is no such reference rate, Commonwealth Bank's rate for overdraft facilities in excess of $100,000 available to prime commercial customers from time to time – expressed as an annual percentage.

Dictionary means this list of defined terms.

Direct Debit means a payment that is deducted by us from your nominated financial institution account.

Direct Loss means loss or damage suffered by a person and arising in connection with or out of your contract or anything done under it, excluding Consequential Loss.

Dollar, AUD or $ means Australian dollars.

Due Date – see clause 26.

DuressCare – see clause 21.

Early Termination Charge – see clause 49.

End Date – see clause 14.

End User – see clause 1.

End User Terms means our end user terms in force from time to time, available on the Web Site.

GST means goods and services tax under the GST Law.

GST Act means the A New Tax System (Goods and Service Tax) Act 1999.

GST Law means the same as in the GST Act.

Insolvency Event means, in relation to a person: (a) the person being unable to pay their debts as and when they fall due; (b) a receiver, administrator, liquidator or trustee in bankruptcy or analogous person being appointed; (c) if the person is a natural person, an application for bankruptcy be- ing made; or (d) if the person is a corporation – (i) an application for winding up or external administration being filed and not being withdrawn within 20 Business Days; (ii) the person resolving to enter into a deed of company arrangement or an arrangement, composition or compromise with, or assignment for the benefit of, its creditors generally or any class of creditors, or proceedings being commenced to sanction such an arrangement, other than for the purposes of a bona fide scheme of solvent reconstruction or amalgamation.

Instant Messaging includes SMS, iMessage and any similar instant messaging service.

IP means anything in which IP Rights subsist.

IP Rights means all industrial and intellectual property rights of any kind which may subsist in Australia or anywhere else in the world, including without limitation: (a) patents, copyright, rights in circuit layouts, designs, trademarks (including goodwill in those marks) and domain names; (b) any application or right to apply for registration of any of the rights referred to in paragraph (a) of this definition; and (c) all rights of a similar nature to any of the rights in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this definition – whether or not such rights are registered or capable of being registered; and (d) future IP Rights.

Law means any law, Act, regulation, binding code or industry standard, as updated or replaced from time to time, and includes a direction of an Authority.

Liability Event means an event, act or omission, or series or combination of events, acts or omissions, that give rise to Direct Loss for which we are or may be liable, whether in contract, tort or otherwise. A Liability Event is deemed to have occurred:

(a) in the case of a single event, act or omission – on the date when it occurred; and

(b) in the case of a series or combination of events, acts and/or omissions – on the date when the first event, act or omission in the series or combination occurred.

Loss means Direct Loss and/or Consequential Loss.

MAC Order – see clause 23(a).

Minimum Term – see clause 12.

Monitoring Service – see clause 2(c).

PPSA means the Personal Property Securities Act 2009.

Personal Information means the same as in the Privacy Law.

PMSI means a Purchase Money Security Interest under the PPSA.

Privacy Law means (a) the Privacy Act 1988 including the Australian Privacy Principles, (b) any other Law (whether Commonwealth or State) that applies to a party with respect to the privacy and (c) any other Law that obliges a party to maintain privacy or confidentiality of information or communications.

Product Description means a description of the nature, features and limitations of a Safety Product, published by us from time to time usually on our Web Site.

Register has the meaning given to that term in the PPSA.

Rental Device – see clause 20(a).

Rental Term – see clause 20(b).

Safety Software – see clause 2(b).

Safety Device – see clause 2(a).

Safety Product means goods or services that we supply to you including Safety Devices, Safety Software and Safety Services.

Safety Service means services we supply to you including Monitoring Services.

Schedule means a schedule of this agreement.

Security Interest means a security interest under the PPSA.

Start Date – see clause 14.

Surveillance Legislation means all applicable laws relating to electronic surveillance devices that are applicable to you including the Surveillance Devices Act 1999 (Vic) or the corresponding legislation in your jurisdiction.

Tax means any tax, rate, levy, impost or duty (other than a tax on the gross overall income of any person) and any interest, penalty, fine or expense relating to any of them.

Tax Invoice means a valid tax invoice under GST Law.

Term – see clause 14.

Web Site means duress.com

67. Interpretation

Unless the context indicates otherwise:

(a) If an expression is defined in the Dictionary, grammatical derivatives of that expression have a corresponding meaning.

(b) Expressions like ‘includes’ and ‘eg’ are not words of limitation and any examples provided are not exhaustive.

(c) A reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa and one gender include all genders.

(d) A ‘person’ includes any entity that can sue and be sued and any legal successor to or representative of that person.

(e) A reference to a document or a Law includes the document or Law as modified or replaced from time to time.

(f) The words ‘in writing’ include any communication sent by any other form of communication capable of being read.

(g) Money amounts are exclusive of any applicable GST.

(h) Anything that is unenforceable must be read down, to the point of severance if necessary.

PRODUCT SCHEDULE: International Monitoring 

1. Dictionary

In this Product Schedule:

International Monitoring Service is a Monitoring Service provided to an End User in an International Territory. International Territory means those countries outside Australia and New Zealand in which we provide International Monitoring Services from time to time. A full list of International territories are available from us, and will, unless otherwise stated, exclude Afghanistan, Chechnya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Israel (West Bank, Gaza and Occupied Territories only), Somalia, Syria and Libya.

2. Application

This Product Schedule – International Monitoring applies where we agree to provide International Monitoring Services to the End User. To the extent there is any inconsistency between a clause in this Product Schedule and the Master Terms, the provisions in this Product Schedule are to take precedence in relation to the International Monitoring Services.

3. Requirements

In order to receive International Monitoring Services, you must have a Safety Device, or the device on which you have installed the Safety Software must be able to generate an appropriate emergency signal; comply with any requirements we notify to you; and otherwise be compliant with the applicable device documentation and warranty, and applicable national regulations for devices of that type.

4. International Monitoring service

The Safety Products transmit emergency signals along with applicable registration data information and available location information to the International Monitoring Centre (IMC). The IMC provides International Monitoring Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Upon receipt of an emergency signal the IMC will:

(a) contact as available the primary and secondary contacts identified by the End User to attempt to validate the emergency signal;

(b) identify appropriate emergency responder(s) according to available location information;

(c) contact the appropriate emergency responder(s) and inform them of the relevant facts in the IMC’s possession (including available registration data information and/or location information);

(d) the IMC may contact an appropriate Embassy according to End User registration data and/or location information in the country identified by your location information, and provide them all relevant facts in IMC’s possession; and

(e) provide updates of location information as available to the identified emergency responder. Upon contacting the emergency responder(s) and informing them of all relevant facts, both we and our subcontractors are released from all further legal responsibility and/or obligation to take any further action whatsoever. Should we have reasonable cause to believe that an emergency condition does not exist, we reserve the right to solely contact the primary and secondary contacts identified by you.

5. Use and misuse of service

We intend that International Monitoring Services will be available at all times in the International Territories where your Safety Product is operative. However, it is possible that at some time and some locations, we will not receive your transmission or that your transmission will be delayed. You are solely responsible for any charges that may be assessed by emergency responders for attending to emergency signals and/or in relation to search and rescue activities resulting from you or your authorised users’ transmission of an Emergency Signal. In addition, we reserve the right to assess a fee in the case of deliberate or negligent misuse of the International Monitoring Service.

6. Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that to the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude liability for any Claim, including injury or death, and any Loss which may arise out of or in connection with the provision of the International Monitoring Services (including any delay in providing or failing to provide the International Monitoring Service) or its use by you or someone authorised by you to utilise the Safety Products.

We exclude all liability, whether resulting from contract, tort (including liability for negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise in respect of any Loss or Claim resulting from the acts or omissions of our third party providers for any faults, failures or inadequacies of the GPS satellite system, any mobile communications infrastructure, a device that does not comply with these terms, the International Monitoring Service or the emergency monitoring and response provided by us or our subcontractors.

We and our service providers , shall not be liable to you or be deemed to be in breach of these terms in respect of any failure or delay in the provision of International Monitoring Services caused by:

(a) matters outside of our or our supplier’s reasonable control, which shall include but is not limited to the outbreak of hostilities, riot, civil disturbance, acts of terrorism, fire, explosion, flood, snow, fog, or other inclement weather conditions, failure of telecommunications or satellite systems, electrical power failures or fluctuations, surges in the electrical mains or currents induced into damage caused by electromagnetic interference, theft, malicious damage, strike, lock out or industrial action of any kind; or

(b) failure or delay in us or our subcontractors responding to emergency signals.